Category: 2023 Field Season

April 23 – Town Hall Seattle – Annual Update

April 23 – Town Hall Seattle – Annual Update

Please join us at Town Hall Seattle on the evening of Tuesday, April 23. The five-decades of research of a seabird colony on Cooper Island, Alaska has provided clear and unsettling evidence of the extent and rapid pace of Arctic climate change. The island’s colony of Mandt’s Black Guillemot, studied annually since 1975, decreased from over two...

Our annual Seattle Update – March 7, 2023

Our annual Seattle Update – March 7, 2023

Please join us at Town Hall Seattle on the evening of Tuesday, March 7. In addition to providing an update on the status of our seabird study colony and the melting Arctic, we will share stories (some funny, some sad) about the joy and heartbreak of maintaining a remote field camp for five decades. We look forward to seeing old and...